
A Special Border Personnel Meeting between India and Chinawas held at Nathu La on Thursday to celebrate the 92nd anniversary of People'sLiberation Army's (PLA) formation.

On an invite from the PLA, a delegation of the Indian Armycomprising of officers and soldiers took part in the celebration. The PLAtroops interacted with the visiting Indian delegation and presented a culturalprogramme comprising of several events to celebrate the occasion. As a gestureof goodwill, the Indian side also reciprocated with traditional cultural eventsto mark the occasion.

Delegations from both sides also met at Kongra La in  North Sikkim. The ceremonial meeting washeaded by Brigadier-ranking officials from both sides. Celebrations took placein an atmosphere marked by warmth and cordiality, and provided an opportunityto both sides to display their rich culture.

Such interactions go a long way in ensuring betterunderstanding between both armies and have contributed towards achieving commongoals of peace and tranquility along the borders.

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